suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(Seurat)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(monocle3)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ggplot2)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dplyr)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ComplexHeatmap)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(viridis)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(outliers)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(R.utils)) # ED_Fig5B ---------------------------------------------------------------- ## load scRNAseq data from public dataset GSE162950 load("Scarfo_HEC2023/scRNAseq/sample_final.Rdata") sample <- SetIdent(sample, value =$seurat_clusters) DimPlot(sample, label=TRUE, = "seurat_clusters")[["orig.ident"]] <- factor([["orig.ident"]], levels = c("AGM_CS10_Liu", "AGM_CS11_Liu", "AGM_CS13_Liu", "AGM_4wk_658", "AGM_5wk_555", "AGM_5wk_575", "AGM_6wk_563", "YolkSac_CS11_Liu")) DimPlot(sample, label=F, repel = T, reduction="umap","orig.ident", pt.size=0.1, cols = c("AGM_CS10_Liu" = "#00BFC4", "AGM_CS11_Liu" = "#00A9FF", "AGM_CS13_Liu" = "#C77CFF", "AGM_4wk_658" = "#F8766D", "AGM_5wk_555" = "#CD9600", "AGM_5wk_575" = "#7CAE00", "AGM_6wk_563" = "#00BE67", "YolkSac_CS11_Liu" = "#FF61CC")) # ED_Fig5C ---------------------------------------------------------------- pal <- viridis(n = 10, option = "D") FeaturePlot(sample, features = c("HOXA9", "HOXA10"), ncol = 2, repel = T, pt.size = 0.05, order = T, cols = pal) # ED_Fig5E ---------------------------------------------------------------- devtools::install_github("sturgeonlab/Luff-etal-2021/SingleR/versioncontrolscripts") library(versioncontrolscripts) ## load reference dataset cd32_dll4 <- read.table("Scarfo_HEC2023/BulkRNAseq_2/featureCounts_results_tpm.txt", header=T, sep="\t") ## load Seurat data load("Scarfo_HEC2023/scRNAseq/sample_final.Rdata") sample <- SetIdent(sample, value =$seurat_clusters) sample_noYS <- subset(sample, orig.ident != "YolkSac_CS11_Liu")[["orig.ident"]] <- factor([["orig.ident"]], levels = c( "AGM_CS10_Liu", "AGM_CS11_Liu", "AGM_CS13_Liu", "AGM_4wk_658", "AGM_5wk_555", "AGM_5wk_575", "AGM_6wk_563" ) ) ## defining HEC and AEC aec <- WhichCells(sample_noYS, expression = CDH5 > 0.2 & CXCR4 > 0.3 & GJA5 > 0.2 & DLL4 > 0.1 & PTPRC < 0.1 & SPN < 0.05 & HEY2 > 0.15) hec <- WhichCells(sample_noYS, expression = RUNX1 > 0.1 & CDH5 > 0.2 & HOXA9 > 0.05 & PTPRC < 0.1 & ITGA2B < 0.1 & SPN < 0.05) Idents(sample_noYS, cells=aec) = "AEC" Idents(sample_noYS, cells=hec) = "HEC" sample_noYS$CellType <- Idents(sample_noYS) sample_noYS <- subset(sample_noYS, CellType=="AEC" | CellType=="HEC") Idents(sample_noYS) <- "CellType" ## setting up reference dataset bulk <- cd32_dll4[,-c(2:6)] bulk <- bulk[,c(1,2,3,4,6,7,9)] colnames(bulk) <- c("genes", "RS227_CD184","RS227_CD32_plus", "RS242_CD184","RS242_CD32_plus", "RS243_CD184","RS243_CD32_plus") bulk$CD184 <- rowMeans(bulk[,c(2,4,6)]) bulk$CD32_plus <- rowMeans(bulk[,c(3,5,7)]) bulk <- bulk[,c(1,9,8)] types = list("CD32_plus","CD184") main_types = list("CD32_plus","CD184") x = bulk[,1] loss = bulk[,-1] rownames(loss) = make.names(x, unique = TRUE) bulk <- loss bulk = as.matrix(bulk) types = as.character(types) main_types = as.character(main_types) myref = list(data = bulk, main_types = main_types, types = types) myref[["de.genes"]] = CreateVariableGeneSet(bulk,types,200) myref[["de.genes.main"]] = CreateVariableGeneSet(bulk,main_types,300) labels <-$orig.ident stage <-$CellType stage2 <- data.frame(stage) stage2$stage <- as.character(stage2$stage) stage2 <- stage2$stage # create singlecell dataset for comparison to bulk RNAseq data <- GetAssayData(sample_noYS, assay = "RNA", slot = "data") data <- as.matrix(data) # run main SingleR function & add names for cluster obj <- SingleR.CreateObject(data, myref, clusters = NULL, variable.genes = "de", fine.tune = F) obj[["names"]] <- stage2 obj[["names2"]] <- labels data <- t(obj$SingleR.single.main$r) cell_types =$names) colnames(cell_types) = 'CellTypes' rownames(cell_types) = colnames(data) test <-$names2) colnames(test) <- "Samples" rownames(test) <- colnames(data) clusters <- cbind(cell_types, test) breaksList = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01) # export relative correlation scores and names for each cell in cs dataset scores = obj$SingleR.single.main$r datascores <- as.matrix(scores) scores <- data.frame(datascores) type <- data.frame(obj$names) cells <- data.frame(obj$names2) scores$type <- type$obj.names scores$cells <- cells$obj.names2 #successive sorting orders cells in aesthetically-pleasing manner for (k in unique(scores$cells)) { clu <- filter(scores, cells == k) clu <- clu[order(clu$CD184), ] clu <- clu[order(clu$CD32_plus), ] clu_cells <- rownames(clu) assign(paste0("clu",k,"_cells"),clu_cells) } ## reorder both clusters and HEC and AEC cells agm_4 <- filter(scores, cells == "AGM_4wk_658") agm_4_hec <- filter(agm_4, type == "HEC") agm_4_hec <- agm_4_hec[order(agm_4_hec$CD184),] agm_4_hec <- agm_4_hec[order(agm_4_hec$CD32_plus),] agm_4_aec <- filter(agm_4, type == "AEC") agm_4_aec <- agm_4_aec[order(agm_4_aec$CD184),] agm_4_aec <- agm_4_aec[order(agm_4_aec$CD32_plus),] agm_5_1 <- filter(scores, cells == "AGM_5wk_555") agm_5_1_hec <- filter(agm_5_1, type == "HEC") agm_5_1_hec <- agm_5_1_hec[order(agm_5_1_hec$CD184),] agm_5_1_hec <- agm_5_1_hec[order(agm_5_1_hec$CD32_plus),] agm_5_1_aec <- filter(agm_5_1, type == "AEC") agm_5_1_aec <- agm_5_1_aec[order(agm_5_1_aec$CD184),] agm_5_1_aec <- agm_5_1_aec[order(agm_5_1_aec$CD32_plus),] agm_5_2 <- filter(scores, cells == "AGM_5wk_575") agm_5_2_hec <- filter(agm_5_2, type == "HEC") agm_5_2_hec <- agm_5_2_hec[order(agm_5_2_hec$CD184),] agm_5_2_hec <- agm_5_2_hec[order(agm_5_2_hec$CD32_plus),] agm_5_2_aec <- filter(agm_5_2, type == "AEC") agm_5_2_aec <- agm_5_2_aec[order(agm_5_2_aec$CD184),] agm_5_2_aec <- agm_5_2_aec[order(agm_5_2_aec$CD32_plus),] agm_6 <- filter(scores, cells == "AGM_6wk_563") agm_6_hec <- filter(agm_6, type == "HEC") agm_6_hec <- agm_6_hec[order(agm_6_hec$CD184),] agm_6_hec <- agm_6_hec[order(agm_6_hec$CD32_plus),] agm_6_aec <- filter(agm_6, type == "AEC") agm_6_aec <- agm_6_aec[order(agm_6_aec$CD184),] agm_6_aec <- agm_6_aec[order(agm_6_aec$CD32_plus),] agm_cs10 <- filter(scores, cells == "AGM_CS10_Liu") agm_cs10_hec <- filter(agm_cs10, type == "HEC") agm_cs10_hec <- agm_cs10_hec[order(agm_cs10_hec$CD184),] agm_cs10_hec <- agm_cs10_hec[order(agm_cs10_hec$CD32_plus),] agm_cs10_aec <- filter(agm_cs10, type == "AEC") agm_cs10_aec <- agm_cs10_aec[order(agm_cs10_aec$CD184),] agm_cs10_aec <- agm_cs10_aec[order(agm_cs10_aec$CD32_plus),] agm_cs11 <- filter(scores, cells == "AGM_CS11_Liu") agm_cs11_hec <- filter(agm_cs11, type == "HEC") agm_cs11_hec <- agm_cs11_hec[order(agm_cs11_hec$CD184),] agm_cs11_hec <- agm_cs11_hec[order(agm_cs11_hec$CD32_plus),] agm_cs11_aec <- filter(agm_cs11, type == "AEC") agm_cs11_aec <- agm_cs11_aec[order(agm_cs11_aec$CD184),] agm_cs11_aec <- agm_cs11_aec[order(agm_cs11_aec$CD32_plus),] agm_cs13 <- filter(scores, cells == "AGM_CS13_Liu") agm_cs13_hec <- filter(agm_cs13, type == "HEC") agm_cs13_hec <- agm_cs13_hec[order(agm_cs13_hec$CD184),] agm_cs13_hec <- agm_cs13_hec[order(agm_cs13_hec$CD32_plus),] agm_cs13_aec <- filter(agm_cs13, type == "AEC") agm_cs13_aec <- agm_cs13_aec[order(agm_cs13_aec$CD184),] agm_cs13_aec <- agm_cs13_aec[order(agm_cs13_aec$CD32_plus),] agm_4_hec.cells <- row.names(agm_4_hec) agm_4_aec.cells <- row.names(agm_4_aec) agm_5_1_hec.cells <- row.names(agm_5_1_hec) agm_5_1_aec.cells <- row.names(agm_5_1_aec) agm_5_2_hec.cells <- row.names(agm_5_2_hec) agm_5_2_aec.cells <- row.names(agm_5_2_aec) agm_6_hec.cells <- row.names(agm_6_hec) agm_6_aec.cells <- row.names(agm_6_aec) agm_cs10_hec.cells <- row.names(agm_cs10_hec) agm_cs10_aec.cells <- row.names(agm_cs10_aec) agm_cs11_hec.cells <- row.names(agm_cs11_hec) agm_cs11_aec.cells <- row.names(agm_cs11_aec) agm_cs13_hec.cells <- row.names(agm_cs13_hec) agm_cs13_aec.cells <- row.names(agm_cs13_aec) order <- c( agm_cs10_aec.cells, agm_cs11_aec.cells, agm_cs13_aec.cells, agm_4_aec.cells, agm_5_1_aec.cells, agm_5_2_aec.cells, agm_6_aec.cells, agm_cs10_hec.cells, agm_cs11_hec.cells, agm_cs13_hec.cells, agm_4_hec.cells, agm_5_1_hec.cells, agm_5_2_hec.cells, agm_6_hec.cells ) data_reorder <- data[,match(order, colnames(data))] annot_colors <- list(CellTypes=c(HEC = "red", AEC = "royalblue3"), Samples = c(AGM_CS10_Liu = "#00BFC4", AGM_CS11_Liu = "#00A9FF", AGM_CS13_Liu = "#C77CFF", AGM_4wk_658 = "#F8766D", AGM_5wk_555 = "#CD9600", AGM_5wk_575 = "#7CAE00", AGM_6wk_563 = "#00BE67")) annot <- clusters colours <- annot_colors colAnn <- HeatmapAnnotation(df = clusters, which = 'col', show_annotation_name = T, col = annot_colors, annotation_legend_param = list( CellTypes = list( title = "Cell Type", title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 14*96/72, fontface = "bold"), labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = 14*96/72), grid_height = unit(0.7, "cm")), Samples = list( title = "Samples", title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 14*96/72, fontface = "bold"), labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = 14*96/72), grid_height = unit(0.7, "cm"))), annotation_width = unit(c(1, 4), 'cm'), gap = unit(1, 'mm')) counts_scaled <- t(scale(t(data_reorder))) counts_scaled_ordered <- counts_scaled[, match(rownames(clusters),colnames(counts_scaled))] clusters$DF <- paste(clusters$CellTypes, clusters$Samples, sep = "_") dd <- cluster_within_group(counts_scaled_ordered, clusters$DF) hmap <- Heatmap(counts_scaled_ordered, name = "Z-score", show_column_names = F, show_column_dend = F, show_parent_dend_line = F, show_row_dend = F, cluster_rows = F, cluster_columns = dd, column_gap = unit(c(2,2,5,2,5,2,5,2, 2,5,5,2,5), "mm"), top_annotation=colAnn, column_split = 14, clustering_method_columns = "ward.D2", heatmap_legend_param = list( title = "Z-Scores", title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 14*96/72, fontface = "bold"), labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = 12*96/72), legend_height = unit(2, "cm") ), width = unit(15*96/72, "cm"), height = unit(5*96/72, "cm"), use_raster = TRUE, # for raster quality, needs to be tested raster_quality = 5) draw(hmap, heatmap_legend_side="right", annotation_legend_side="right") # ED_Fig5F ---------------------------------------------------------------- ## load scRNAseq data from public dataset GSE162950 load("Scarfo_HEC2023/scRNAseq/seurat_object.Rdata") EHT_scorecard <- c("CXCR4","SOX17","GJA5","MECOM","HOXA9","SPN","CD44","ITGA2B","HLF","GFI1","MLLT3","KCNK17","MYB","STAT5A","SMIM24","RAB27B","SPINK2") ## Select HE cells sample <- SetIdent(sample, value =$seurat_clusters) index1 = GetAssayData(sample, slot="counts")["RUNX1",]>0 index2 = GetAssayData(sample, slot="counts")["CDH5",]>0 index3 = GetAssayData(sample, slot="counts")["PTPRC",]==0 index4 = GetAssayData(sample, slot="counts")["FCGR2B",]==0 bars = colnames(sample)[Idents(sample) %in% c(0,3)] bars1 = colnames(sample)[index1 & index2 & index3 & index4] bars2 = intersect(bars, bars1) ## Establish identity for FCGR2B- HE cells Idents(sample, cells=bars2) = "FCGR2B=0" index5 = GetAssayData(sample, slot="counts")["FCGR2B",]>0 bars3 = colnames(sample)[index1 & index2 & index3 & index5] bars4 = intersect(bars, bars3) ## Establish identity for FCGR2B+ HE cells Idents(sample, cells=bars4) = "FCGR2B_exp" sample$CellType <- Idents(sample) sample_sub <- subset(sample, CellType=="FCGR2B_exp" | CellType=="FCGR2B=0") DotPlot(sample_sub, features=EHT_scorecard, cols=c("grey90","red3"), dot.scale = 10) + coord_flip()