suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(DESeq2)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(stringr)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(tidyverse)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ggplot2)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ggrepel)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(openxlsx)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(RColorBrewer)) ## Input featureCounts file fcount.file <- "Scarfo_HEC2023/BulkRNAseq_1/featureCounts_results_corrected.txt" ## Contrasts to perform contr <- "ACE_pos:ACE_neg" contr.list <- unlist(strsplit(contr, ",")) ## Design Formula formula.str <- "donor,condition" design.str <- gsub(",", "+", formula.str) num_cond <- str_count(formula.str, ",") + 1 design.formula <- as.formula(paste("~", design.str, sep = "")) ## Read featureCounts results if (!file.exists(fcount.file)) { stop("Error: featureCounts file not found.") } else { read.counts <- read.table(fcount.file, header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE) %>% column_to_rownames(var = "Geneid") %>% select(-c(1:5)) } orig.names <- names(read.counts) ds <- list() cond <- list() for (i in seq(orig.names[1:length(orig.names)])) { ds[i] <- unlist(strsplit(orig.names[i], ":"))[2] cond[i] <- unlist(strsplit(orig.names[i], ":"))[3] } ds <- unlist(ds) cond <- unlist(cond) ## Samples - Conditions sample_info <-, ",", num_cond)) colnames(sample_info) <- str_split_fixed(formula.str, ",", num_cond) rownames(sample_info) <- ds colnames(read.counts) <- ds sample_info$condition <- factor(sample_info$condition) last_condition <- str_split_fixed(formula.str, ",", num_cond)[num_cond] batch_cond <- str_split_fixed(formula.str, ",", num_cond)[num_cond - 1] ## thresholds adj.pval.thr <- 0.05 logfc.thr <- 0 ## DESeq2 DESeq.ds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = read.counts, colData = sample_info, design = design.formula) ## Remove genes without any counts DESeq.ds <- DESeq.ds[rowSums(counts(DESeq.ds)) > 0, ] ## RunDGE DESeq.ds <- DESeq(DESeq.ds) ## obtain regularized log-transformed values DESeq.rlog <- rlogTransformation(DESeq.ds, blind = TRUE) assay(DESeq.rlog) <- limma::removeBatchEffect(assay(DESeq.rlog), DESeq.rlog[[batch_cond]]) ctrs <- unlist(strsplit(contr.list[1], ":")) c1 <- ctrs[1] c2 <- ctrs[2] DGE.results <- results(DESeq.ds, pAdjustMethod = "BH", independentFiltering = TRUE, contrast = c(last_condition, c1, c2), alpha = adj.pval.thr) # Change format DGE.results.annot <- %>% dplyr::select(log2FoldChange, lfcSE, baseMean, pvalue, padj) colnames(DGE.results.annot) <- c("logFC", "lfcSE", "baseMean", "PValue", "FDR") ## sort the results according to the adjusted p-value DGE.results.sorted <- DGE.results.annot[order(DGE.results.annot$FDR), ] ## Subset for only significant genes DGE.results.sig <- subset(DGE.results.sorted, FDR < adj.pval.thr & abs(logFC) > logfc.thr) DGEgenes <- rownames(DGE.results.sig) # ED_Fig2A ---------------------------------------------------------------- ## surface genes if(!file.exists("Scarfo_HEC2023/BulkRNAseq_1/table_S3_surfaceome.xlsx")){ download.file("", destfile = "Scarfo_HEC2023/BulkRNAseq_1/table_S3_surfaceome.xlsx") } sg <- read.xlsx("Scarfo_HEC2023/BulkRNAseq_1/table_S3_surfaceome.xlsx", sheet = "in silico surfaceome only", colNames = T, startRow = 2) sig_sg <- DGE.results.sig[c(row.names(DGE.results.sig) %in% sg$UniProt.gene), ] top10_sig_sg <- sig_sg[c(1:10),] data <- data.frame(gene = row.names(DGE.results.sorted), pval = -log10(DGE.results.sorted$FDR), lfc = DGE.results.sorted$logFC) data <- na.omit(data) data <- mutate(data, color = case_when(data$lfc > logfc.thr & data$pval > -log10(adj.pval.thr) ~ "Overexpressed",data$lfc < -logfc.thr & data$pval > -log10(adj.pval.thr) ~ "Underexpressed",abs(data$lfc) < logfc.thr | data$pval < -log10(adj.pval.thr) ~ "NonSignificant")) data$color <- factor(data$color, levels = c("Overexpressed", "Underexpressed", "NonSignificant")) data <- data[order(data$pval, decreasing = TRUE),] highl <- data[c(data$gene %in% row.names(top10_sig_sg)), ] ggplot(data, aes(x = lfc, y = pval, colour = color)) + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "right", text=element_text(size=17*96/72), axis.text.x = element_text(size = 17*96/72, color = "black"), axis.text.y = element_text(size = 17*96/72, color = "black"), axis.title.y = element_text(colour = "black", size = 19*96/72), axis.title.x = element_text(colour = "black", size = 19*96/72), legend.text = element_text(colour = "black", size = 19*96/72), legend.title = element_text(colour = "black", size = 19*96/72)) + xlab("log2 Fold Change") + ylab(expression(-log[10]("adjusted p-value"))) + geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(adj.pval.thr), colour = "darkgray") + geom_point(size = 3, alpha = 0.8, na.rm = T) + scale_color_manual(name = "Expression", values = c(Overexpressed = "red", Underexpressed = "royalblue3", NonSignificant = "darkgray")) + geom_label_repel(data = highl, aes(label = gene), show.legend = FALSE, size = 5)