suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(Seurat)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(monocle3)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ggplot2)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dplyr)) # ED_Fig5B ---------------------------------------------------------------- ## load scRNAseq data from public dataset GSE162950 load("Scarfo_HEC2023/scRNAseq/seurat_object.Rdata") EHT_scorecard <- c("CXCR4","SOX17","GJA5","MECOM","HOXA9","SPN","CD44","ITGA2B","HLF","GFI1","MLLT3","KCNK17","MYB","STAT5A","SMIM24","RAB27B","SPINK2") ## Select HE cells sample <- SetIdent(sample, value =$seurat_clusters) index1 = GetAssayData(sample, slot="counts")["RUNX1",]>0 index2 = GetAssayData(sample, slot="counts")["CDH5",]>0 index3 = GetAssayData(sample, slot="counts")["PTPRC",]==0 index4 = GetAssayData(sample, slot="counts")["FCGR2B",]==0 bars = colnames(sample)[Idents(sample) %in% c(0,3)] bars1 = colnames(sample)[index1 & index2 & index3 & index4] bars2 = intersect(bars, bars1) ## Establish identity for FCGR2B- HE cells Idents(sample, cells=bars2) = "FCGR2B=0" index5 = GetAssayData(sample, slot="counts")["FCGR2B",]>0 bars3 = colnames(sample)[index1 & index2 & index3 & index5] bars4 = intersect(bars, bars3) ## Establish identity for FCGR2B+ HE cells Idents(sample, cells=bars4) = "FCGR2B_exp" sample$CellType <- Idents(sample) sample_sub <- subset(sample, CellType=="FCGR2B_exp" | CellType=="FCGR2B=0") DotPlot(sample_sub, features=EHT_scorecard, cols=c("grey90","red3"), dot.scale = 10) + coord_flip() # ED_Fig5C ------------------------------------------------------------------ ## load Seurat data sample <- readRDS("Scarfo_HEC2023/scRNAseq/WNTd_HE.rds")[["Cell.Annotations"]] <- recode_factor([["RNA_snn_res.0.6"]], "0" = "HECs", "1" = "HECs", "2" = "HECs", "3" = "Venous cells", "4" = "Venous cells", "5" = "Arterial ECs", "6" = "Arterial ECs", "7" = "Venous cells", "8" = "ECs (M phase)", "9" = "Venous cells", "10" = "EndoMT cells", "11" = "HECs", "12" = "Arterial ECs", "13" = "Lymphatic ECs", "14" = "Arterial ECs", "15" = "Allantois/Placenta", "16" = "HECs", "17" = "HECs", "18" = "EndoMT cells", "19" = "SM cells", "20" = "EndoMT cells", "21" = "EndoMT cells") DimPlot(object = sample, reduction = "umap", = "Cell.Annotations", label = F, repel = T, pt.size = 0.8, label.size = 6, cols = c('HECs' = "#377EB8", 'Lymphatic ECs' = "#4DAF4A", 'Arterial ECs' = "#E41A1C", 'Venous cells' = "#FF7F00", 'EndoMT cells' = "#E6AB02", 'Allantois/Placenta' = "#984EA3", 'SM cells' = "#A6761D", "ECs (M phase)" = "#A50026")) # ED_Fig5D - ED_Fig5E ------------------------------------------------------------------ FeaturePlot(object = sample, features = c("RUNX1", "FCGR2B"), cols = c("grey90","blue"), order = T, pt.size = 0.1) # ED_Fig5F ------------------------------------------------------------------ runx1 <- readRDS("Scarfo_HEC2023/scRNAseq/RUNX1_clusters.rds") ## Monocle3 Idents(runx1) <- "RNA_snn_res.0.6" start = WhichCells(runx1,idents = "0") expression_matrix <- runx1@assays[["RNA"]]@counts cell_metadata <- cell_metadata$orig.ident <- factor(cell_metadata$orig.ident, levels = unique(cell_metadata$orig.ident)) gene_annotation <- data.frame("gene_short_name" = rownames(runx1)) rownames(gene_annotation) <- gene_annotation$gene_short_name cds <- new_cell_data_set(expression_data = expression_matrix, cell_metadata = cell_metadata, gene_metadata = gene_annotation) cds <- preprocess_cds(cds, num_dim = 50) cds <- reduce_dimension(cds) ## Construct and assign the made up partition recreate.partition <- c(rep(1, length(cds@colData@rownames))) names(recreate.partition) <- cds@colData@rownames recreate.partition <- as.factor(recreate.partition) cds@clusters@listData[["UMAP"]][["partitions"]] <- recreate.partition ## Assign the cluster info list_cluster <-[["RNA_snn_res.0.6"]] names(list_cluster) <- runx1@assays[["RNA"]]@data@Dimnames[[2]] cds@clusters@listData[["UMAP"]][["clusters"]] <- list_cluster cds@clusters@listData[["UMAP"]][["louvain_res"]] <- "NA" ## Assign UMAP coordinate reducedDims(cds)[["UMAP"]] <- runx1@reductions[["umap"]]@cell.embeddings ### Reset colnames and rownames (consequence of UMAP replacement) rownames(cds@principal_graph_aux[['UMAP']]$dp_mst) <- NULL ## Learn Graph cds <- learn_graph(cds = cds,use_partition = T,learn_graph_control=list(ncenter=220,minimal_branch_len=15),verbose = T) cds <- order_cells(cds, root_cells = start) plot_cells(cds, color_cells_by = "pseudotime", label_groups_by_cluster=FALSE, label_leaves=T, label_branch_points=T, group_label_size = 8, graph_label_size = 3, cell_size = 1, trajectory_graph_segment_size = 1) # ED_Fig5G ------------------------------------------------------------------ cds <- estimate_size_factors(cds) gi <- c("H19","KCNK17","RUNX1", "MYB", "SPN") cds_gi <- cds[rowData(cds)$gene_short_name %in% gi,] plot_genes_in_pseudotime(cds_subset = cds_gi, ncol = 3, color_cells_by = "RNA_snn_res.0.6", min_expr = NULL, cell_size = 1)