suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(DESeq2)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(stringr)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(tidyverse)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dplyr)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(pheatmap)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(RColorBrewer)) ## Input featureCounts file fcount.file <- "Scarfo_HEC2023/BulkRNAseq_2/featureCounts_results_corrected.txt" ## Contrasts to perform contr <- "DLL4_plus:CD32_plus" contr.list <- unlist(strsplit(contr, ",")) ## Design Formula formula.str <- "condition" design.str <- gsub(",", "+", formula.str) num_cond <- str_count(formula.str, ",") + 1 design.formula <- as.formula(paste("~", design.str, sep = "")) ## Read featureCounts results if (!file.exists(fcount.file)) { stop("Error: featureCounts file not found.") } else { read.counts <- read.table(fcount.file, header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE) %>% column_to_rownames(var = "Geneid") %>% select(-c(1:5)) } orig.names <- names(read.counts) ds <- list() cond <- list() for (i in seq(orig.names[1:length(orig.names)])) { ds[i] <- unlist(strsplit(orig.names[i], ":"))[2] cond[i] <- unlist(strsplit(orig.names[i], ":"))[3] } ds <- unlist(ds) cond <- unlist(cond) ## Samples - Conditions sample_info <-, ",", num_cond)) colnames(sample_info) <- str_split_fixed(formula.str, ",", num_cond) rownames(sample_info) <- ds colnames(read.counts) <- ds sample_info$condition <- factor(sample_info$condition) last_condition <- str_split_fixed(formula.str, ",", num_cond)[num_cond] ## thresholds adj.pval.thr <- 0.05 logfc.thr <- 0 ## DESeq2 DESeq.ds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = read.counts, colData = sample_info, design = design.formula) ## Remove genes without any counts DESeq.ds <- DESeq.ds[rowSums(counts(DESeq.ds)) > 0, ] ## RunDGE DESeq.ds <- DESeq(DESeq.ds) ## obtain regularized log-transformed values DESeq.rlog <- rlogTransformation(DESeq.ds, blind = TRUE) ctrs <- unlist(strsplit(contr.list[1], ":")) c1 <- ctrs[1] c2 <- ctrs[2] DGE.results <- results(DESeq.ds, pAdjustMethod = "BH", independentFiltering = TRUE, contrast = c(last_condition, c1, c2), alpha = adj.pval.thr) # Change format DGE.results.annot <- %>% dplyr::select(log2FoldChange, lfcSE, baseMean, pvalue, padj) colnames(DGE.results.annot) <- c("logFC", "lfcSE", "baseMean", "PValue", "FDR") ## sort the results according to the adjusted p-value DGE.results.sorted <- DGE.results.annot[order(DGE.results.annot$FDR), ] ## Subset for only significant genes DGE.results.sig <- subset(DGE.results.sorted, FDR < adj.pval.thr & abs(logFC) > logfc.thr) DGEgenes <- rownames(DGE.results.sig) # ED_Fig7A ----------------------------------------------------------------- gmt.obj <- read.gmt("Scarfo_HEC2023/BulkRNAseq_1/c5.all.v7.2.symbols.gmt") organism.db <- # Remove genes with no FDR DGE.results.annot <- DGE.results.annot[!$FDR), ] gene_univ <- row.names(DGE.results.annot) # get positive and negative gene names <- subset(DGE.results.annot, FDR < adj.pval.thr & abs(logFC) > logfc.thr) <- subset(, logFC > 0) <- subset(, logFC < 0) contr.enricher.neg <- enricher(row.names(, universe = gene_univ, pvalueCutoff = adj.pval.thr, TERM2GENE = gmt.obj) contr.enricher.res <- toi <- c("GO_RESPONSE_TO_BMP", "GO_REGULATION_OF_BMP_SIGNALING_PATHWAY") GO_terms_int <- contr.enricher.res[contr.enricher.res$Description %in% toi, ] # reformatting the ID column tmp <-$ID, "GO_", 2)) tmp2 <-$V2, "_", " ")) colnames(tmp2) <- "id" tmp2$Terms <- str_to_title(tmp2$id) GO_terms_final <- cbind(GO_terms_int,tmp2) GO_terms_final <- GO_terms_final[,c(11,9,6)] colnames(GO_terms_final)[3] <- "Adjusted p-value" ggplot(data=GO_terms_final, aes(x=Terms, y=Count, fill = `Adjusted p-value`)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width = 0.7) + scale_x_discrete(limits = GO_terms_final$Terms) + scale_fill_gradient(low="red",high="blue") + coord_flip()+ ggtitle("Downregulated in DLL4+ vs CD32+") + theme_bw() + theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)