#CpGs from position 136669244 to 13666449 (the entire fragment of the intron 4 putative transcription starting site), #CpGs from position 136670325 to 136670386 (5’ of the intron 7) and #CpGs from position 136670827 to 136670945 (3’ of the intron 7). # load data: source("MethylAnalysis.R") MethylAnalysis(methcall.folder = "input/", outfolder = "Adults_vs_Prog", samplesheet = "SampleSheets_BisulphiteExp_Sets.xlsx", sheetnum = 2, do.subset = T, chr.subset = "chr9", start.subset = 136668000, end.subset = 136671000, idcol = "SampleID", design.var = "TestVar", case.var = "Case", control.var = "Controls", mincoverage = 10, idstoremove = c("S150310"), assem = "hg38", pipeline.meth = "bismarkCoverage", proj.id = "Adults_vs_Prog_Case_vs_Control", plot.covariates = c("Condition","MRD","Cytogenetics","TestVar"), lowperc = 5, lowcount = 10, delta.meth = 10, plot.height = 12, plot.width = 18, plot.categorical.vars = c("Condition","Cytogenetics"), plot.continuous.vars = c("miR-126"),cellw = 14, cellh = 8, fontnumsize = 7, fontsize = 7 ) library(openxlsx) library(pheatmap) library(RColorBrewer) # load data pct methylation pctmeth_matrix <- readRDS(file = "Adults_vs_Prog/Adults_vs_Prog_Case_vs_Control_CpG_percent_methylation_matrix_pheatmap.rds") # fixing colors annotations <- readRDS("Adults_vs_Prog/Adults_vs_Prog_Case_vs_Control_annotations_matrix_pheatmap.rds") annotations2 <- annotations annotations2$anncolors$Condition <- c("#006600","#929292","#c9c9c9","#b30101") # #006600: verdescuro, #b30101: rosso scuro, grigio-scuro: #929292, grigiochiaro: #c9c9c9 names(annotations2$anncolors$Condition) <- names(annotations$anncolors$Condition) annotations2$anncolors$Cytogenetics <- c("#0080cc","#f6a145","white") # https://www.color-hex.com/color-palette/96440 names(annotations2$anncolors$Cytogenetics) <- names(annotations$anncolors$Cytogenetics) png(filename = "Adults_vs_Prog/Adults_vs_Prog_Case_vs_Control_CpG_percent_methylation_matrix_pheatmap_CUSTOM.png", width = 15, height = 7, units = "in", res = 300) pheatmap(mat = pctmeth_matrix, width = 15, height = 7, na_col = "black", cluster_cols = FALSE, cluster_rows = TRUE, annotation_row = annotations2$annrow, cellwidth = 14, cellheight = 13, display_numbers = T, fontsize = 10, fontsize_number = 7, number_format = "%.0f", border_color = FALSE, annotation_col = annotations2$anncol, legend = F, annotation_legend = TRUE, annotation_names_col = T, #labels_row = lrow, #labels_col = lcol, # gaps_row = c(23), gaps_col = c(9,43), annotation_colors = annotations2$anncolors, color = c("#F5F5F5","#EEEEEE","#CCCCCC","#999999", "#666666","#333333","#000000"), breaks = c(0,10,20,30,50,70,90,100) ) dev.off() ################# # Disease 12-27 # ################# source("MethylAnalysis_bulk.R") MethylAnalysis_bulk(methcall.folder = "input/", outfolder = "S120167_Case_vs_Controls", samplesheet = "SampleSheets_BisulphiteExp_Sets.xlsx", sheetnum = 4, do.subset = T, chr.subset = "chr9", start.subset = 136668000, end.subset = 136671000, idcol = "SampleID", design.var = "TestVar", case.var = "POP", control.var = "DGN", mincoverage = 10, idstoremove = NULL, assem = "hg38", pipeline.meth = "bismarkCoverage", proj.id = "S120167_POP_vs_DGN", plot.covariates = c("Condition","TestVar"), lowperc = 5, lowcount = 10, delta.meth = 10, plot.height = 12, plot.width = 18, plot.categorical.vars = c("Condition"), plot.continuous.vars = c("miR-126"),cellw = 14, cellh = 8, fontnumsize = 7, fontsize = 7 ) # RUNNING GFPLOW VS GFPHIGH to get diff meth results and stats source("MethylAnalysis_bulk_v2.R") MethylAnalysis_bulk_v2(methcall.folder = "input/", outfolder = "S120167_GFP_L_vs_GFP_H", samplesheet = "SampleSheets_BisulphiteExp_Sets.xlsx", sheetnum = 4, do.subset = T, chr.subset = "chr9", start.subset = 136668000, end.subset = 136671000, idcol = "SampleID", design.var = "Condition", case.var = "GFP_L", control.var = "GFP_H", mincoverage = 10, idstoremove = NULL, assem = "hg38", pipeline.meth = "bismarkCoverage", proj.id = "S120167_GFP_L_vs_GFP_H", plot.covariates = c("Condition"), lowperc = 5, lowcount = 10, delta.meth = 10, plot.height = 12, plot.width = 18, plot.categorical.vars = c("Condition"), plot.continuous.vars = c("miR-126"), cellw = 14, cellh = 8, fontnumsize = 7, fontsize = 7 ) # FIXING THE IMAGE pctmeth_matrix <- readRDS(file = "S120167_Case_vs_Controls/S120167_POP_vs_DGN_CpG_percent_methylation_matrix_pheatmap.rds") annotations <- readRDS("S120167_Case_vs_Controls/S120167_POP_vs_DGN_annotations_matrix_pheatmap.rds") annotations_GFP_L_vs_GFP_H <- readRDS("S120167_GFP_L_vs_GFP_H/S120167_GFP_L_vs_GFP_H_annotations_matrix_pheatmap.rds") # replacing diff meth and GFP_L vs GFP_H qvalue_r in POP vs DGN chart annotations$anncol$qvalue_r <- annotations_GFP_L_vs_GFP_H$anncol$qvalue_r annotations$anncol$meth.diff <- annotations_GFP_L_vs_GFP_H$anncol$meth.diff annotations2 <- annotations annotations2$anncolors$Condition <- c("#656161","#0b64a1","#df4041") # #006600: verdescuro, #b30101: rosso scuro, grigio-scuro: #929292, grigiochiaro: #c9c9c9 names(annotations2$anncolors$Condition) <- names(annotations$anncolors$Condition) annotations2$anncolors$qvalue_r <- annotations_GFP_L_vs_GFP_H$anncolors$qvalue_r annotations2$anncolors$meth.diff <- annotations_GFP_L_vs_GFP_H$anncolors$meth.diff annotations2$annrow$`miR-126` <- NULL # plot heatmap custom png(filename = "S120167_Case_vs_Controls/S120167_GFP_Lvs_GFP_H_CpG_percent_methylation_matrix_pheatmap_CUSTOM_CpG_main.png", width = 15, height = 5, units = "in", res = 300) pheatmap(mat = pctmeth_matrix[,pctmeth_matrix_ADULTs_CpG], #filename = "S10272_Case_vs_Controls/S10272_GFP_Lvs_GFP_H_CpG_percent_methylation_matrix_pheatmap_CUSTOM.png", width = 15, height = 7, na_col = "black", cluster_cols = FALSE, cluster_rows = TRUE, annotation_row = annotations2$annrow, cellwidth = 14, cellheight = 13, display_numbers = T, fontsize = 10, fontsize_number = 7, number_format = "%.0f", border_color = FALSE, annotation_col = annotations2$anncol, legend = F, annotation_legend = TRUE, annotation_names_col = T, #labels_row = lrow, #labels_col = lcol, # gaps_row = c(23), gaps_col = c(9,43), annotation_colors = annotations2$anncolors, color = c("#F5F5F5","#EEEEEE","#CCCCCC","#999999", "#666666","#333333","#000000"), breaks = c(0,10,20,30,50,70,90,100) ) dev.off()