Commit abb40fbc authored by Giorgia Giacomini's avatar Giorgia Giacomini
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parent a016808d
# Amodio_Infertility_2023 # Amodio_Infertility_2023
Amodio G, Giacomini G, Boeri L, et al. **T cell exhaustion and senescence signatures characterize and differentiate infertile men** Amodio G, Giacomini G, Boeri L, et al. **T cell exhaustion and senescence signatures characterize and differentiate infertile men**
### Analyses ###
Single-cell (from 10X Genomics) analysis of CD3+ T cells purified from the peripheral blood of men diagnosed with oligo-astheno-teratozoospermia (OAT, n=4), idiopathic non-obstructive azoospermia (iNOA, n=6), and a control group (FER, n=5).
### Directories and Files ### ### Directories and Files ###
- Script: R scripts used for the analyses: - Script: R scripts used for the analyses
- `1_PreProcessing_Data.R`: Full object creation
- `2_Infertility_scRNAseq_analysis.R`:
- `3_SubsetAnalysis_Annotations.R`: subset analyses of T cells and cluster manual annotation
- `4_ScoreAnalysis_TcellSubset.R`:
- `5_Visualization_Export_Data.R`:
- Data: results of scRNAseq analysis:
- Data: results of scRNAseq analysis:
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