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# Amodio_Infertility_2024
# Amodio_Infertility_2023
Amodio G, Giacomini G, Boeri L, et al. **T cell exhaustion and senescence signatures characterize and differentiate infertile men**
### Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Analysis ###
......@@ -9,15 +9,20 @@ scRNAseq analysis was performed using a standard [Seurat](
- Preprocessing and cell filtering
- Each sample was pre-processed and cells with mitochondrial RNA percentages higher than 10 and a number of features <1200 or >6000, were filtered out. Samples were merged into a single Seurat dataset
- Normalization
- Default Seurat settings [(NormalizeData function)](
- Default Seurat settings [(NormalizeData function)](
- Scaling:
- Data was regressed out by passing UMI count, the percentage of mitochondrial genes, the difference between the cell cycle phases scores, as described in the Seurat [vignette](
- Dimensionality reduction and Harmony batch removal:
- A principal component analysis (PCA) with 100 principal components (PCs) was performed and a UMAP-representation as well as clusters were computed on the top 55 components (orig.ident as batch variable)
- Clustering
- Markers identification
- Cluster annotation:
- Intra-cluster comparisons
- Clustering:
- K-nearest neighbor (KNN) graph was first constructed based on the Euclidean distance using the [FindNeighbors]( function, with the KNN algorithm set to 20.
- The modularity optimization technique was applied using the Louvain algorithm through the [FindCluster]( function, with resolution parameters set to 1.2.
- Markers identification:
- Marker genes for each cluster were identified using the [FindAllMarkers]( function with the logfc.threshold argument set to 0.25. Only genes expressed in at least 25% of cells in one of the compared clusters were considered (min.pct = 0.25). Genes with pvalues < 1e10 <sup>-5</sup> from the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test were considered as markers for a specific cluster.
- Cluster annotation
- Gene enrichment analysis (GSEA):
- Intra-cluster comparisons: Intra-cluster comparisons among the experimental conditions were conducted using the [FindMarkers]( function, setting test.use = wilcox, a logFC threshold = 0, = 5 and return.thresh parameter equal to 1.
- GSEA function of [ClusterProfiler R package]( was applied, using the full marker gene list ranked by decreasing logFC and the hallmarks gene set. Gene sets were considered enriched if their adjusted pvalue was <0.1.
### Directories and Files ###
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