Commit 24e414c7 authored by Teresa Tavella's avatar Teresa Tavella
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parent 22d953c0
# DellaVolpe_scRNA-seq # DellaVolpe_scRNA-seq
<summary markdown="span"><strong>Cellranger (v 6.1.1)</strong></summary>
- cellranger count --localcores x --id=${sample}_counts --libraries ${libcsv} --feature-ref ${featcsv} --transcriptome=${ref}
<summary markdown="span"><strong>Cell and feature filtering and HTO demultiplexing</strong></summary>
- HTO_demux.R
<summary markdown="span"><strong>Check for gender bias</strong></summary>
- Check_donor_bias.pdf
<summary markdown="span"><strong>Paper Figures</strong></summary>
- scRNAseq_paper_figures.pdf
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