Commit 6fe5b298 authored by Stefano Beretta's avatar Stefano Beretta
Browse files

Update WESopt_plot_results.R

parent 01515227
...@@ -43,6 +43,161 @@ snv_colors2 <- function(del = FALSE, alpha = 1) { ...@@ -43,6 +43,161 @@ snv_colors2 <- function(del = FALSE, alpha = 1) {
return(var_cols) return(var_cols)
} }
# Circos + Legend
legend_plot = function(t, sample) {
t <- mutate(t, TYPE = case_when(nchar(REF) == 1 & nchar(ALT) == 1 & ALT != "*" ~ "Substitution",
nchar(REF) == 1 & nchar(ALT) == 1 & ALT == "*" ~ "Deletion",
nchar(REF) > nchar(ALT) & nchar(REF) - nchar(ALT) >= 1 ~ "Deletion",
nchar(REF) < nchar(ALT) & nchar(ALT) - nchar(REF) >= 1 ~ "Insertion",
TRUE ~ "Other"))
# Substitutions
t.subs <- t %>% filter(TYPE == "Substitution") %>% tbl_df()
t.subs$SUB <- paste0(t.subs$REF, t.subs$ALT)
t.subs$SUB <- factor(t.subs$SUB, levels = sort(unique(t.subs$SUB)))
cols_names <- levels(t.subs$SUB)
cols <- snv_colors2(del = F)
t.subs <- merge(t.subs, data.frame(cols, SUB = names(cols)), all.x = TRUE)
tt.subs <- t.subs %>% filter(Sample == sample) %>% tbl_df()
# Deletions / Insertions
t.other <- t %>% filter(TYPE != "Substitution") %>% tbl_df()
tt.other <- t.other %>% filter(Sample == sample) %>% tbl_df()
if(nrow(tt.other) > 0) {
tt.other$AF <- 1
tt.other$col <- ifelse(tt.other$TYPE == "Deletion", "Red", "Blue")
# Circos
chr.names <- paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y"))
circos.par("" = 90)
circos.initializeWithIdeogram(species = "hg38",
chromosome.index = chr.names,
plotType = c())
# Legends (center)
legend(-0.5, 0.85, lty = 1, lwd = 2, seg.len = 1, col = c("Red", "Blue"),
legend = c("Deletion", "Insertion"), bty = 'n',
#xjust = 0,
x.intersp = 0.4,
y.intersp = 1,
inset = c(0.05, 0),
title.adj = 0.1,
title = "Small Indels")
legend(-0.5, 0.45, pch = 16, col = cols,
legend = names(cols), pt.cex = 1.2, bty = 'n',
ncol = 3,
#xjust = 0,
x.intersp = 0.4,
y.intersp = 1,
inset = c(0.05, 0),
border = "NA",
title.adj = 0.1,
title = "Substitution")
if ("snpEff_Impact" %in% colnames(tt.subs)) {
legend(-0.5, -0.2, pch = c(10, 13), col = "red",
legend = c("Relevant Impact", "Target Gene"), pt.cex = 1.8, bty = 'n',
ncol = 1,
#xjust = 0,
x.intersp = 0.6,
y.intersp = 1,
inset = c(0.2, 0),
border = "NA",
title.adj = 0,
title = "Highlight Variants")
plot_circos <- function(t, sample) {
# Substitutions
t <- mutate(t, TYPE = case_when(nchar(REF) == 1 & nchar(ALT) == 1 & ALT != "*" ~ "Substitution",
nchar(REF) == 1 & nchar(ALT) == 1 & ALT == "*" ~ "Deletion",
nchar(REF) > nchar(ALT) & nchar(REF) - nchar(ALT) >= 1 ~ "Deletion",
nchar(REF) < nchar(ALT) & nchar(ALT) - nchar(REF) >= 1 ~ "Insertion",
TRUE ~ "Other"))
t.subs <- t %>% filter(TYPE == "Substitution") %>% tbl_df()
t.subs$SUB <- paste0(t.subs$REF, t.subs$ALT)
t.subs$SUB <- factor(t.subs$SUB, levels = sort(unique(t.subs$SUB)))
cols_names <- levels(t.subs$SUB)
cols <- snv_colors2(del = F, alpha = 0.8)
t.subs <- merge(t.subs, data.frame(cols, SUB = names(cols)), all.x = TRUE)
tt.subs <- t.subs %>% filter(Sample == sample) %>% tbl_df()
# Deletions / Insertions
t.other <- t %>% filter(TYPE != "Substitution") %>% tbl_df()
tt.other <- t.other %>% filter(Sample == sample) %>% tbl_df()
if(nrow(tt.other) > 0) {
tt.other$VAF <- 1
tt.other$col <- ifelse(tt.other$TYPE == "Deletion", "Red", "Blue")
if ("IMPACT" %in% colnames(tt.other)) {
hio <- subset(tt.other, IMPACT %in% c("HIGH", "MODERATE"))
if (nrow(hio) > 0) {
# Circos
chr.names <- paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y"))
circos.par("" = 90)
circos.initializeWithIdeogram(species = "hg38",
chromosome.index = chr.names,
plotType = c("ideogram", "labels"))
lines <- seq(0, 1, 0.2)
line_factors <- expand.grid(x = get.all.sector.index(), y = lines)
circos.trackPlotRegion(factors = line_factors$x,
y = line_factors$y,
track.height = 0.4, = function(x,y) {
xl <-"xlim")
for(i in lines) {
circos.lines(xl, c(i,i), col = "grey")
for(i in lines) {
circos.text(0, i, i, col = "black", sector.index = "chrY", track.index = 3,
cex = 0.5, adj = c(0.01, 0.01))
pch = 16,
cex = 1.5,
col = as.character(tt.subs$cols))
if ("snpEff_Impact" %in% colnames(tt.subs)) {
hi <- subset(tt.subs, snpEff_Impact %in% c("HIGH", "MODERATE"))
if (nrow(hi) > 0) {
pch = 10,
cex = 1.8,
col = "red",
track.index = 3)
b2m_df <- data.frame("CHROM" = c("chr15"), "POS" = c(44715702), "VAF" = c(0.7))
pch = 13,
cex = 2.5,
col = "red",
track.index = 3)
circos.trackPlotRegion(factors = line_factors$x,
ylim = c(0, 1), track.height = 0.1)
if(nrow(tt.other) > 0) {
track.index = 4,
col = as.character(tt.other$col),
lwd = 2,
type = 'h')
text(0,0, sample, cex = 1.5)
# Variant Plot function # Variant Plot function
plot_variants <- function(full.t, out_dir, plot_prefix, fill_by) { plot_variants <- function(full.t, out_dir, plot_prefix, fill_by) {
dir.create(path = out_dir, showWarnings = F) dir.create(path = out_dir, showWarnings = F)
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